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How To Spark Employee Social Media Advocacy

Is social media a part of your organization’s marketing strategy?

What about employee advocacy?

There is a largely untapped opportunity for employees to attract and engage with potential and existing customers online.

Social media employee advocacy has the ability to not only cultivate employee buy-ins but also become your greatest marketing asset.

Incorporating employees in your organization's content strategy can help form associations and develop relationships with those they connect with in-store and online.

If you were told that there was a way to increase your web traffic by 500% and see a 25% increase in leads, would you believe it?

The reality behind employee advocacy is that online users are more willing to trust the word of someone they know personally, rather than a company that shows up across their screen.

Think about it this way, would you be more willing to make a purchase based off a close friends’ recommendation or a company’s page?

If you answered a close friends’ recommendation, you’re in line with the 83% of consumers.

Now that you’re aware of the impact your employees can have as advocates, let’s look at some of the best social media practices from within.

1. Educate Your Employees

Educating your employees on your company’s social media strategy helps increase their willingness to participate.

Whether that’s having a meeting to explain your digital marketing goals or an email that is sent out requesting engagement on posts, it’s important to keep your employees in the loop so they are confident with the content they are sharing.

2. Brand Advocacy

Encouraging employees to engage with your brand's social media posts (such as liking, commenting, and/or sharing), will help increase reach, post engagement and campaign successes by spreading awareness about your products/services.

It’s like word of mouth marketing – just online!

Each one of your employees will have a different audience and a different circle of connections.

Having your content shared across multiple employee platforms allows the opportunity for additional reach to potential clients that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.           

3. Employee Empowerment

Working with a generation that is more digitally connected than ever before may have its downfalls, but as a business, you have the ability to use it to your advantage.

Encourage your employees to become advocates online and use social media to promote your company.

Setting your employees up as advocates shows them that you’re interested in their personal development and trust their voice within the brand.

With the help of your employee advocacy team, your social media content will have the opportunity to reach exponentially higher numbers of people, and penetrate different audiences your organic content wouldn't have been able to reach.

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